Understanding the Significance of Numbers in your Life
Numbers have a deep spiritual meaning. They have a mathematical,
scientific, and spiritual significance in your life. Your blessings in the
universe are numbered as they line up waiting for their appointed time to
enter your life.
Each event in your life has a special numbered entry in the universe’s
register. The numbers are a prophecy of things to come or an affirmation of things that have already happened.
The spiritual realm is the genesis of any event in your life. You can control the physical if you understand
the spiritual part. Your spirit connects to the universe to manifest the significance of numbers in your life. It is prudent to align your life with it
so that you are in harmony with nature’s divine will for you.
Number 1:
It symbolizes unity and leadership. It also reflects on the possibility of people coming together for a common agenda. God is found within this
unity. Dreams and visions about number 1 are news about the beginning
of something good in your life. You are about to find the source of your
blessings never to lose it again. Take this new beginning positively and pray for divine guidance as you start this new journey.
Number 2:
Two is a pair. It is the universe’s way of passing a message of
partnership to you. You will no longer be lonely because the universe has appointed a divine companion for you. This is your sign if you have been
praying for a spouse or business partner – coincidences of similar
thoughts and actions with your partner. Both of you will be thinking
about the same thing even when you have never discussed that matter
before. The universe has connected your spirits.
Number 3:
It symbolizes completeness and the Holy Trinity in Christianity. God in
the Trinity created the world and everything in it. This is a powerful
message attached to creation – the Holy Trinity is involved in creating
something new in your life. You are a special part of the universe that
attracts the whole attention of the supernatural. This sets you apart for
greater roles in the universe.
Number 4:
It is also referred to as two pairs. It is a sign of stability in the way all
stable objects have four stands of support. Vehicles have four wheels; the chair has four legs and so does the table. This is the structure of all stable
objects. There is security in the number four and it is mostly related to
spiritual logic. Seeing this special number when you make reasonable
judgments or innovations means that the universe has given you the
green light.
Number 5:
Five is the number of fingers
on each hand. They have
different sizes with different
abilities and uses. Number
five represents freedom and
diversity. The universe
emphasizes the beauty of
being different. Your beauty
is in your uniqueness and
this puts you in a special
place in the universe.
Fingers and toes, each being
five on the hands and legs respectively, are important body parts in
movement. Dreams and visions of number five most probably indicate
that you will travel to a new place.
Number 6:
Six represents the beauty of creation. Everything in the world was
created in five days and man in the sixth. He later started a family with
the woman created for him. This is the genesis of love and family in the
world. Six became a special number in the universe after creation. It
further suggests the responsibility you have to your family as the people
whom the universe chose for you when you were born. Six is a reminder
of the duty you owe your family. The universe is waiting for you to fulfill
Number 7:
It represents rest and meditation. This is the day that God rested after
finishing creation. Seven is a spiritual number believed to be holy
because God rested on this day. The universe wants you to learn about
rest from the supernatural. Take a break to unwind and meditate to relax
your spirit. There is only so much that you can do and you have all the
six days for that. Just as you take your car for service regularly so
should you honor the day of rest for your spirit. You will increase in
wisdom as you plan on how to resume your routine the following day.
There is honor in resting.
Number 8:
If the number four symbolizes stability
and logic, eight (two-fours) is the
extreme of four. It represents success,
achievements (beyond just being
stable), and authority. The universe
has a record of all your achievements,
your highs and lows, and influence in
all areas. When you write eight on
paper and observe closely as you do
so, it resembles a full sack tied at the
top. This is its hidden meaning – there is a lot of potential within you if you
pay attention and explore it. The universe is calling you out to explore your
Number 9:
Nine is the number of fulfillment and a happy ending. It is the greatest single
number in the place value of ones. This signifies your greatest transformation
that has already been achieved or is yet to come. It is a reminder that there is
always one more achievement to fulfill. The universe can accommodate all
your achievements in any form because it is proud of your new version after
transformation. The number nine also symbolizes a peaceful closure for you.
It is a lead to your appointed destiny. Dreams and visions about number nine
point to your destiny. It is time to align your purpose with your destiny to
maximize your potential.
There are other combinations of numbers in the universe with various
meanings. The quality of life depends on your spiritual direction influenced by
the mathematics of numbers. You will achieve a lot when you understand
their significance. Numbers are not just digits but your spiritual DNA. Like a
vault, choose a secure combination of numbers as your password and
manifest the power of your spirituality.
Keep in mind: Numbers are not just digits but your spiritual DNA. Reply
“Number is the within of all things.” if you agree.