Learning to Manifest Your Desires: Step 4

What is the definition of Action?

Amber Guha
5 min readSep 3, 2024

Actions As An Art

Taking action means to perform a deed, to execute something where it applies to the results as well. An action is short term and continues to develop in a series of many small acts that result in a meaningful outcome.
Executing your plans and dreams is the most important aspect of your manifestation journey. Fear is experienced while we try to do meaningful tasks but do not worry as it is as natural as your dream.

Fear kills your dreams more than anything else will. It is a common reason why people fail to act or achieve something simply because it is learned.You are uncertain about the factors that might arise while taking action. Consider this fear the biggest challenge of your journey of manifestation. It has been regarded as the “greatest enemy of mankind”.

Successful renowned personalities including Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt have written quotes on fear that depicts their grasp on this hindrance towards achieving your dreams. Examples of their famous quotes are:

I’m waiting for someone or something to help or happen

You are incapable of believing in your own power, confidence and self esteem.

“I don’t have time to start”

It is about self belief and priorities. If your goal is important, you will always make time for it. It shows the significance of drive, energy and motivation to charge forward and your achieve goals.

There are already people doing it better than me

You quit before you even start.

“I don’t know where to begin”

These are all excuses which show you are letting fear get the best of you instead of searching for the answer on how to start.

I don’t think I’m making any progress

No story of success is without perseverance and action.
Remember, fear is not real. It is all made up in your head and will get the best of you if you focus your energy on it.

How did you dare to dream if fear is rational?

Imagine, what would it be like if you were not afraid of manifesting your dreams? Truth is, you can unlearn the fear and embrace courage by the different steps we have been explaining since the start of this book.

Remember how you learned to read, walk and to talk? How did you overcome the fear in doing so? How did you have the courage to learn new things? Just like this, the bad habits including fear can be unlearned

and be replaced with courage.

Ignoring ups and downs of life is impossible and dealing with fear is in your control. Lesson to be learnt here is to overcome fear. This fear includes fear that has been rooted since childhood when your loved ones say don’t do that and you cannot do this.

The challenges in life strengthen the courage you have within you. The conditioning you had experienced since a child has two types of fear rooted inside of you; fear of failure and rejection. This is your real enemy. Realize it, recognize, accept and construct your courage. This is your central action. Ask these questions to resolve your deepest fears:

What would I have to do to eliminate fear?

How would I set myself free of my fears?

What is feeding this fear?

The emotion of fear is linked with unhappiness and stress and to eliminate fear you need to have unshakable self-confidence and the courage to open the door of possibilities. It is relatable that “The only thing we have
to fear is fear itself

Overcoming Your Fears

As Clement Stone stated beautifully “Thinking Will Not Overcome Fear, But Action Will”. This is fact, fear is an abstract concept that has gained our attention to make its place and create doubt on the road to success.

(Imagine the messy street example again from Module 1). Here know that how you must eliminate fears out of your mind, daily and punctually. Usually, it is the results you are afraid of, not the action or the plan. You have learned the unpleasant consequences of when things go wrong.
From today, each time you feel fearful, turn the consequence into a pleasant imagination. Use all visualization as a tool to foresee a successful outcome resulting of fear. What’s more important is to focus more on the journey, than the results. Just do it-we often read and hear it from others.

What is its true essence?

If you stand in front of an animal you don’t like and you are asked to take them in hand, you probably fear the sense of touch and experiences that you would perceive hence not acting on finishing the task.

How about if you suddenly try something you have never imagined doing?
You don’t know swimming and have phobia but after few seconds of panic and shock, you start seeing that it’s all right and it is not harmful. So another approach that promotes action is the initiative without over-
thinking and deciding to do something on a specific place, day and time.

Just do it!

Once you have successfully done something, letting go of your fears and visualizing success, your hard work pays off.

This will inevitably boost your confidence. You have the skills to plan and the ability to act and handle challenges, improving areas where you lack.

All of this is much more worthwhile than anything else. Meet new people, seek social and moral support and enjoy the whole process.

Don’t wait - after one step is completed, put forth the next step and take action. Be physically recharged and mentally healthy, take short breaks in short durations and set aside the mental obsessions regarding perfection, comparisons, fears and what ifs.

Take your time to act out and take a pen to write down your experiences, intense negative emotions and erase the large segments of self-loathing.

Disposing off this burden makes you feel great about yourself where it aids the manifestation of outcome and facilitates the process in achieving it.

Fear is loaded with procrastination, laziness and irrational thoughts. Take your own time and pace to manifest your own steps moving forward and

don’t be too hard on yourself.
The Key is in your hands and now you are opening the door to own your dream and biggest desires of life.

Note: We will discuss step 5 in the next article.

Thanks for reading,

Regards Amber 😊



Amber Guha

I'm not New Here, Reborn Creation💫 Come and Find me, Sendin' Location ☄️