Learning to Manifest Your Desires: Step 3

Implementing Your Action Plans!

Amber Guha
Create Now
7 min readAug 26, 2024


Planning is not everything; as taking action is what truly matters. Think clearly and count the number of times when you think about goals and compare with the number of times when you take action. The number of thoughts and mere plans would obviously be more than you taking action.
Think of problem solving and execute your thoughts or plans by taking

action. Problems are part of life and you would confront them on your journey to success often. Prepare in advance about how you approach and

overcome them.

Start small and Consistency is key.

Let’s imagine whatever you want to be, for example, a skillful chef. It’s impossible for you to create 5 star dishes if you just started out. You need some time to learn and practice. That’s why it is important for you to set realistic goals and be consistent in achieving them. Practice simple recipes first with simple ingredients and then carve your way up to work harder and on complex processes.

Let’s assume that you have determined the steps of taking action for a plan or a goal. To be more effective, jot down a goal and write down the plans for execution in simple 5-7 steps.

Review your own plan from time to time and tweak it according to your progress because there is no one so desperate to achieve your goals other than you.

Execute Your Plans

Make sure your plans and goals turn into action effectively, for efficient progression needs to be done gradually and in a consistent manner. Ensure and carefully plan the sequence in which plan would be

implemented, step by step and with grace.

The orderly structure and points from which action needs to be taken by you is of utmost importance. Sequence matters when you are planning to execute a long term goal or plan. Long term plans always have some systematic steps and orderly management.

Recall what we instructed at the start of this journey, start one habit at a time. Sometimes great plans demand an equal amount of flexibility and rigidity to control the actions and managing own behavior.

Develop an effective action plan to implement after your goals are sequenced. The next strategy is to put the plan into the game. Do not be overwhelmed by the long list of goals and steps for each goal.

Prioritize and pick one goal that demands urgency, which you can execute immediately. In this stage immediate goals are the focal point. Bring all steps of the goal together and analyze them as an overall task.

Note the possible potential challenges the specific goal might have and list management options for the probable challenges. Things to do also include a whole management plan to prevent you from challenges leading to barriers. Must decide a deadline for each step and keep moving towards success using a wide variety of methods. A blend of different activities never let you down.

Look cautiously on the lists and things you have in your action plan along with the management plan as a backup. Few commonly matched examples are low financial resources, less time and energy or attention and interest.
All these are highly demanding but you have to brainstorm solutions as management plan i.e. use savings, start to save money from now, ask a friend’s help, listen to a motivational speaker etc.

Human imagination is endless; no doubt it focuses on bad more than good while we start taking action for instance, would you face success or failure?

What are the chances of you losing?

But now our main focus is to and center of attention is if something would not work, what would be the reasons and how would you improve the situation? How to increase the chances to win and be a better version of who you are?

Plan again, third stage is to review plan, add something more to save you, motivate you and make yourself a better winner. The new things you saw

since you once took action also goes into the plan when you sit back relax to evaluate it again and watch where did you start and where are you now


Final step is defining goals, change your job or seek higher studies are out of the scene. From general to specific, goals should be like this- Taking admission this spring in psychology class is what one looks confident about.

Cool enough? Isn’t it?

Attitude is everything you need, mark dates on calendar, collect information from admin office and highlight program details like course and timings, fee structure etc. Ask for help where needed and set a

reward for the completion of the goal like buying a new cycle to attend classes on time and not to miss any.

How To Act

Action is materializing your thoughts into actions because ambitions are always packed with challenges and struggle. Achieving such goals require

an action plan and strategy to have hands on your goals you want to achieve.

Be realistic, stick to facts in action in contrast to the plans, visualize rational outcomes, and visualize what you expect for you to transform your life.

Do not be too hard on yourself no matter how hard it can be during the execution of your action plan. Completion is also a new beginning.
Keeping this in mind, check out these four stages for action- knowing you, finding out, making decisions and taking action. You would never jump mindlessly into doing something; there is always a sequence.

Knowing you” is all about you, assessing your current situation in terms of values, interests, preferences and abilities. Whatever you are going to do must be aligned with your energy and passion. Passion is the fuel of acting on an interest.

Finding out” is all about exploration. Exploring opportunities and looking around what is there for you? Would you like to waste your coins in a play

land by inserting them in a machine that is empty?

Of course not, human nature is to attract where the glitters are. You will be only using coins where the huge toys or candies are displayed to win them in exchange of coins you have bought for this purpose using your skills.

Always look for; what you are utilizing your energies on is not an empty vase. It is your duty to keep your eye on reward first due to which your motivation flames heated up.

Making decisions” is comparing anything you have. Flames of motivation need your sincere thinking skills to choose the best option.

Taking actions,” means working towards your goals. Act, at this stage whatever you are doing is 100% in your favor.

Write It All Down!

An American psychologist claimed something effective about writing down your plans to attain a clear idea on where you are headed. Writing is

therapeutic it is a fact since centuries from the start of psychology but Dr. Gail Mathews as a professor at the Dominican University in California discovered that mentioning goals and dreams on daily basis in a regular pattern is associated with achievement of desires as compared to those who do not do it.

She did an experiment to generalize this rule, from all over the world, 272 men and women were gathered. The participants belonged to diverse nations and professions. The participants were then divided into 2 groups, one included those who write their goals daily and others who don’t and the difference was significant. The goals writing indulge people in

achieving desires and goals at significantly higher level.

In conclusion 42% rate of achievers came into sight, change appears only with the condition if are being regular in the writing same goal, as routine to target desires transforming into reality with no ifs and buts further.
This is a small action and can be done in a few minutes daily. The best time is again before sleep but one can do this anytime of the day.

You will be more likely to be a winner often than a loser. Writing the goals is both the element of science and an art. It portrays how goal setting works.
The principle is based on how the brain works, Neuropsychology stands here and presents two brain sides connected and wired electrically by corpus

callosum, left side as imaginative let you think and left hemisphere as literal makes you plan and act by pushing down the dream signals via spinal cord to all body parts.

Writing activates the left side, the logical brain turns it in consciousness by lighting it up under each cell of our body saying I want this and I mean it shifting to I will achieve this. The whole experiment throws you in a pool of clarity. Absorb the most from this well of goodness.

Note: We will discuss step 4 in the next article.

Thanks for reading,

Regards Amber ☺️



Amber Guha
Create Now

I'm not New Here, Reborn Creation💫 Come and Find me, Sendin' Location ☄️