Learning to Manifest Your Desires: Step 2

Visualization works!

Amber Guha
5 min readAug 21, 2024

Visualization Of Your Goals

Visualization works! It is best to use it on a daily basis for the achievement of your life dreams, goals and everything you want. As you learned previously on how to make smart goals, you need to complement the daily goals with detailed visualization processes.

The process of visualization involves visualizing the most effective way you would want to pursue your goals, as well as the feeling you have when you have finally achieved it.

A personality that practices visualization is Former NBA player Jerry West. He is known for hitting shots at the buzzer. The secret that he personally shared is the rehearsals that he did prior to confronting the actual challenge. This explains the power of visualization.
The routine, anything that we do as a habit in routine triggered by a stimulus and rewarded by positivity holds success and all that we want as

our destiny.

But what are you thinking?

Doing a task daily for some time is hard to achieve?

Remember we are talking about repeating the strategy countless times in our mind to reach that level of perfection. Practice makes a man perfect; Mr. West also tried visualization of hitting shots with attention

and foreseeing himself a winner. It is what we need to regard as Mind Practice.

What have you learnt from this great example?

It taught us how things work in our favor if we put our mind into it. Mr. Clutch is the nickname he earned on the account of his superb performance. There are many other legends in sports namely Tiger Woods, Larry Bird, Michael Jordan and pitcher Roy Halladay who achieved the best in their lives with the power of visualization. What are some of the goals we want to achieve in our daily lives?
A job promotion, quit smoking, starting a new business, finances for study,

losing weight, big or small, goals are goals and are the starting point for success.

The power of visualization acts as a compass and where you will have a better sense of direction to navigate your goals. The one thing you need is

a lot of determination and trusting yourself in the process.
A very famous and well-known quote says “Seeing Is Believing” and you have to trust that this is what is only meant in the end. For over 2000 years

ago Aristotle also communicated this process and it is still clear, applicable, to first have an objective and then work for necessary methods to act, no one can stop you from your achievements.

Activation Of The Law Of Attraction

Law of attraction is the ability to attract everything in our life that we focus on. It is all about manifestation, attention and mental creation.
Why are the symptoms of anxiety in some people very apparent as compared to others?
This is because they usually focus on the negative aspects of life and stress on it. They do not know how to let go of their problems and move on.

Positive visualization of your goals is something you feel good about. The goodness and the happiness spread by visualization is the subconscious

attraction of achievement.

What creates achievement?

Have you ever thought about it?

Our achievements in life can be influenced by several elements in our life. This may include people we have around us as well as the kind of energy that surrounds us. The resources and circumstances we surround

ourselves in do play a part in the achievements of our goals.

Law of attraction is same for all human beings regardless of ethnicity, age, profession, religion, beliefs, nationality and education. All human minds

are vulnerable to this law that rules our lives and eventually makes our thoughts into things we can touch.

Try this simple exercise.

Focus on a negative aspect and on a positive aspect of your life for one minute each. Which aspect of your life is more prone to linger in your mind?
Always be aware of your negative thoughts, taking control of you. Start by thinking about the negative experiences followed by your positive experiences.

The state of your mind and your outlook in life determines the achievement of your goals. If you constantly have a pessimistic view on everything, it will be projected in your actions and influence the outcome of your goals. Therefore, try your best to see the best in every possible situation, even though sometimes things can get difficult but remember

there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

Do you know? This power is previously used by some greatest personalities in the history of this world. The influencing names are Shakespeare, Blake, Emerson, Newton and Beethoven. It does not matter what your interests are; artistic, sciences or philosophy.

The law of attraction can take you far and may help you in various aspects which include:

  • Healthy love life and relationships.
  • Better social interaction and communication skills.
  • Money and wealth.
  • Mental and physical improvement.
  • Healthy life and self confidence.
  • Reducing Anxiety and Self doubt, guilt or shame.
  • Weight loss, fitness and mindfulness.
  • Success and abundance.

You Are What You Think You Are!

The more we are in tune with our inner self, the more familiar we are with what we are truly capable of. Therefore, they way you perceive yourself and your worth is important. If we see ourselves in a positive light, the more we attain. In contrast, if we think we are not good enough and is not worth of success, the more we lose.

Whatever you desire to achieve is most likely present in your head as a mental image and is preparing to manifest in the form of the law of attraction.

This is why the power of visualization is important. It plays a huge rule in the manifestation of your goals as you have this mental image that you can achieve what you want. Nothing is impossible when you believe. It

gives you a sense of motivation that you are capable in doing even the unimaginable.

To manifest means to motivate yourself, intrinsic motivation is something that has to do with “you”. This looks complicated but actually this is not, it only seems to be difficult because you have been thinking about trying something abstract and new.

Try visualizing your goals by sitting in a quiet place for several minutes and closing your eyes. Focus on what you want and how you will achieve it.

Don’t let anything distract you in the process. When you are done, you will feel fresh and motivated in taking charge of what you desire. The visualization of your goals leads to the results that you want.

Motivation stirs up the definite feeling of urgency, where the feeling of urgency is what makes you work towards creating your goals, turning them into reality.

As the saying goes,

“The beginning of love is at the end of resistance.”-Danielle Light

The very moment when you start to love yourself and defend yourself from negativity, all other things start to shed into your favor as well.

Note: We’ll discuss step 3 in the next article.

Thanks for reading,

Regards Amber 😊



Amber Guha

I'm not New Here, Reborn Creation💫 Come and Find me, Sendin' Location ☄️