Healing Harmonies: Balancing Body, Mind and Soul

A lot of people today are turning to alternative medicines to treat ailment, illnesses, and diseases. Besides this there are also alternative therapies that can also address medical problems successfully.

One of these is spiritual healing, though only just becoming popular it has been around for a long time and used in many ancient cultures.

Amber Guha
13 min readAug 12, 2024

What is Spiritual Healing?

Basically spiritual healing is a method where an individual with healing energy transfers the positive energy from themselves on to the person in need.

This method of positive energy transfer is usually done using the hands of the spiritually filled individual called a healer. However it should be understood at this point, the healing does not come from the healer but through the healer. The healer is just a vessel for the positive energy.

What’s behind it?

There are some that believe every individual is capable of tapping into their own personal positive energy for healing purposes. This is done spiritually through prayer. The term spiritual refers to the energy source that is divine in nature and available to all without any discrimination.

Most spiritual healers look upon a health problem as inter connected to the body, mind and spirit. If one part is causing the problem all the other parts must be addressed too because of their close connection in

producing the problem in the first place. Almost all the healers believe that most medical problems start with the state of the mind and these manifest into other symptoms that become evident in a physical form.

Therefore their primary goal is to restore the balance in the entire body system as a way to complete the process of spiritual healing. This form of treatment is becoming very popular indeed, as it promises a better alternative to invasive medical procedures. There is also a “hunger” that most people seem to experience in their lives and spirituality is one way of filling the void.

You Must Be Deciplined

Attaining spiritual discipline ensures the communication channel between man and the divine power remains open and accessible. It also helps to keep the focus of God also referred to as the said divine power. Not to be misunderstood, being spiritually disciplined does not necessarily make an individual a spiritual person or a holy person; it just

makes the individual’s desire more intense to be aware of God’s love for human kind.

Be Dedicated

Being spiritually disciplined encourages the individual to entrust their life into God’s hand and be confident that all will be well. When this surrender is practiced regularly and completely, a habit, if formed which in turn causes the confidence to increase in leaps and bounds in leaving everything to God, knowing that this divine power only wants the best for each individual being.

Spiritual discipline helps to ensure the relationship with God and man is in good working order and this helps to develop an intimacy between the two beings. It does not however at any time promise total and complete bliss in cultivating this relationship although the peace factor gained is many folds.

In trying to understand the importance of discipline, one must first acknowledge that this spiritual discipline is a tool that helps to connect the physical body and mind with the inner spiritual inner man which in turn is deeply connected to God. When this happens a lot changes in the mind’s eye, and a whole other world of awareness opens up.

Spiritual discipline helps the individual look upon his or her life from a spiritual perspective, and make the necessary changes to be in line with God’s ways. Knowing that there is a mighty and divine power which is all knowing, guiding the individual’s life further encourages people to pursue this form of discipline.

Learn how to Forgive

Holding a grudge is both mentally and physically unhealthy. However learning to forgive on the other hand may sometimes be easier said than done. In order to preserve both the mental and physical health of an individual all efforts must be made to address the issue of forgiveness.

Get over it

Depending on the hurt inflicted, the expectancy of forgiveness may indeed be difficult but not impossible. This is indeed good news for those struggling with letting go and forgiving. Perhaps the first step would be the ability to forgive oneself of all

wrong doing whether justified or not. In being able to forgive one’s self then the person is ready and open to broach the subject of forgiving the offending party.

Most experts insist that the sooner the individual practices forgiveness and lets go of the problem the sooner the healing process can begin.

This also has an impact on the health of the individual bearing the grudge. The chemical changes that occur in the body are not healthy and really quite negative. Thus the urgency to reinstate the balance within the body by forgiving quickly. The point to bear in mind is that the mistake cannot be undone, and therefore it is in the past, while the future does not have to live with the reminder of the mistake, if forgiveness is practiced.

Learning to forgive also reminds the person to avoid making the same mistake that lead to the cause of the pain. It gives the individual the presence of mind to walk away before any damage is done because now the individual has the strength and wisdom to do so. Not forgiving keeps the individual trapped and constantly being reminded of the painful memories of the past. Practicing forgiveness opens the door

to a new way of thinking.

Learn How To Live In A State of Love

Life would be wonderful if everyone learned to live by one rule only, and that rule is love. Love everything and everyone no matter what, simple in its essence but extremely hard to put to practice in reality. If

everyone can learn to exchange a life of fear and pain for a life of love, many good things can be achieved.


Most people look to the afterlife as being the perfect place in existence and try to work towards being able to attain the promise of this goal. However it has been proven that happiness can be found and kept consistent in this life too. To get to this desired state to comfort, one must be able to consciously change any negative mind set with the specific intentions of living in self love, self trust, and total peace. All this takes

considerable practice in facing the negative and making the effort to change the less that happy situation into a more acceptable level of joy.

Some basic points to note while on the quest to live in a state of love are as follows:

  • Live for now. Learn to enjoy each moment as if it was the last moment to have. This enables the individual to slow down and actually appreciate those around and be less critical as time is short.
  • Value the important things in life. Love those around consciously and with abandon and not withhold anything.
  • Taking comfort in the divine power from within that is love and thus the ability to love unconditionally is possible.
  • Keep the mind centered and focus to always be mindful of any negative elements that might creep into the thought process.
  • Having loving thoughts and imaginations.
  • Listening to calm and soothing music always unleashes the love from within which can identify with the beauty of sound.
  • In listening to the inner voice and trusting it completely allows the individual to be less stressful and more relaxed and able to

    attract and reflect live.

How To Heighten Your Spiritual Connections

Spiritual connection can be viewed as being more aware of ourselves and everything around. Being spiritually connected allows us the luxury of being able to harness the positive energy to benefit all, which in turn creates a harmonious balance in body and mind.


Being spiritually connected helps to strengthen many areas in an individual’s life, such as family relationships, community relationships, religion, health, and many others. The positive energy gained from heightened spirituality is what enables these things to take place.

Here are some ways to help heighten one’s spiritual connections:

  • Spending some quiet time to meditate and pray is a good way to start the process of being spiritually connected. This allows the mind and body to seek and be aware of one’s surroundings and thus have a clearer view of what is going on.
  • Spending time interacting with like minded people. This is not only healthy but also builds relationships that can give positive mental and physical reinforcements.
  • Set aside time to learn new things. In growing the mind, the rest of an individual’s world grows along and the benefits of new things learnt are always useful.
  • Having alone time is another very important factor to working towards spiritual connection. Taking this time to reboot and reflect is beneficial to both body and mind.
  • Not surprisingly the encouragement of keeping a good exercise regiment and diet is also equally important. If the body and mind are at its optimum, everything other aspects of life becomes easier to connect to.
  • Taking time to help others in a voluntary capacity helps to feed the inner man while the outward benefits are the ability to be more compassionate towards others.
  • Loving life is important too. Being able to simply have fun with abandon releases the positive energy that is the product of being spiritually connected.

Using Aromatherapy

It is believed and scientifically proved by some quarters that all elements work on the basis of vibrations. Having put this point forth, it is interesting to discover that essential oils when used in aromatherapy also has similar vibration techniques that harness and create positive energy. Thus the use of aromatherapy in spiritual connecting has certain links.


Those who are familiar with this theory attest to the changes in energy when the use of aromatherapy is practiced. Among the claims made are that the vibrating higher frequency not only draws positive

energy but also resonates this energy, while positively affecting all things around. This positive energy is so powerful that it can be used to shift the negative energy.

One does not have to be an expert in aromatherapy to know that scents affect the human body and mind distinctly. These scents are able to invoke emotions, memories, and even visions. A lot of spiritual practices involve the use of aromatherapy style rituals. As mentioned, these uses of aromatherapy causes high frequency vibrations, and this enables the individual to connect with the inner self and experience total oneness with body and mind,

keeping both well balanced in harmony.

Once the spiritual connection is established and easily maintained, many corresponding uses can be derived from using aromatherapy, such as complete oneness in thought, intent and purpose. Purification rituals and healing processes, blending prayers with

affirmations, mediations at a higher and more concentrated level and many others.

Before the medical world endorsed this type of process for assisting in the healing process or for keeping illnesses at bay, the aromatherapy use for spiritual purposes was prevalent in most ancient cultures. The connection and energy emitted and harnessed has its own unique elements of providing the necessary benefits to those seeking spiritual connections for healing or even for the general state of peace in both body and mind.

Using Crystals

Some would say crystals have a mysterious aura and power about them. The use of crystals dates back to ancient times where its uses varied, ranging from harnessing energy to healing. It’s a popular belief that these crystals were even used to help construct the enormously gigantic structures of the ancient past.

Many cultures even today widely practice the use of crystals to achieve an aura of spirituality.


The use of crystals in the process of attaining spirituality have been known to provide its user with certain elements like creativity, inspiration, knowledge, intuition which in turn produces a higher

level of wisdom, enlightenment of the inner life, love, and peace just to name a few benefits.

Here is a list of the more popular crystals that are used for its various beneficial reasons:

  • Amethyst - this crystal is known for its healing properties and helps in enhancing psychic awareness and imagery.
  • Bloodstone - helps an individual stick to diet plans and curbs appetites.
  • Citrine - a wonderful stone that can assist in manifesting one’s goals. Also keeps the individual cheerful, attracts abundance and power.
  • Diamond - is known as the stone of innocence which denotes purity.
  • Jade - is used as a tool for learning to accept the difficult aspects in life.
  • Moonstone - enhances intuitive sensitivity and the ability to accept any new changes.
  • Opal - is considered to be one of the seven sacred stones of the Cherokee.
  • Ruby - it brings love, confidence, loyalty, and courage which strengthen the physical and emotional heart.
  • Sapphire - this stone comes in many pretty colors and has healing and spiritual properties.  Topaz - allows an individual to have a practical and focused outlook in life.
  • Turquoise - is wonderful for drawing out negative vibrations.
  • White opal - a great charging tool because it energizes and thus helps the individual to get more things done.

Emotional Healing With Reflexology

Very few people would turn down an opportunity to be on the receiving the end of a wonderful session of a relaxing foot massage. Beneficial to both the receiver and the giver, especially when practiced by loved ones, this form of therapy not only gives off one’s

own time but also build compassion, and a caring attitude in the giver. These, along with the various benefits of addressing the various reflex points, are incomparably priceless.


The practice of applying pressure to certain points while stretching to stimulate corresponding areas in the body system creates and promotes healing. The most sought after element is to obtain relief from stress both emotionally and physically.

Even if the technique used is not purely from a reflexologist stand point, the benefits to impart some form of emotional balance is phenomenal. In encouraging the body to heal itself, the emotional

strain the problem put on the mind is thus eased and balance is restored.

It has been proven time and again that most physical problems are somehow linked or brought on by the poor emotional state of an individual. Therefore in addressing the emotional imbalance half the

battle is won. There are specific links to various organs in the body such as anger which is literally linked to the liver, grief and sadness is linked to the lungs while fear is linked to the kidneys and so on.

All this translates to various emotional stress conditions like tension which is the lead cause of headaches, fear brings on difficulty in breathing, and nervousness causes sweaty palms. Emotional healing

goes a long way in addressing any physical problem that has long been established. Another scientifically established fact is that each organ in the human body responds and emits vibration frequencies which are

connected to the emotion it draws from which has the same corresponding vibrations.

Know That You Deserve Healing

Everyone deserves all the attention possible in order to start the healing process. Healing is for everyone but there are some people who genuinely believe that the healing process is not for them or that they are undeserving of it. Some even believe that the negative medical or mental problem is so far gone that it is not possible to treat the condition and so they don’t even try.

You Merit This

A big part of the problem lies in the belief levels of the individual, which affects the positive manifestation of the desired effect. Some of the mindset that needs to be addressed and changed in order for the healing process to begin is acknowledging the problem, realizing that it can be overcome and being confident that the healing is deserving.

When these are accepted then the healing process can begin. Unfortunately there are more reasons than not as to why people generally fail to accept that healing is for them and it is possible to accomplish complete healing. Feelings like ridicule or pressure from

The family is tired of fighting and seeing no positive break throughs, seeking various forms of healing without giving it the proper duration to make an impact, costly styles and tools, contracting difficult to cure conditions and lack of informed support.

Fortunately there are people who believe in the healing process that do not necessarily have to involve pharmaceutical medications. These people can help those in need to gain the confidence to embark on the healing journey.

In releasing and changing the mind set to accept that healing is available and deserved the body can then process this information and start to address the chemical imbalance which is a huge part of

the healing process. When the mind is ready for the positive energy the body generates in this process, the balance is gradually restored and this results in the restoration to optimum health conditions.

How Not Healing All Parts Of You Is Detrimental

Most people fail to understand that the health of the human body and mind are inter connected at its very basic levels. When any individual part is not working at its optimum levels the other corresponding parts will be eventually effected and this could lead to other more serious problems. Therefore it would be prudent to always be concerned with any indications the body might manifest to alert the mind of any impending negative health problems.

Pay Attention

Medical break throughs generally treat specific problems. These problems are addressed as without really considering the contribution of other elements that caused the negative effect in the first place. Holistic styles of treatment however do the exact opposite. Following its name, the holistic style treatments are more focused in creating or restoring the balance of the body system in order to ensure the overall improvement to gain optimum health.

The basic principal involved is to direct the positive flow of energy through the body which may have become “blocked” by certain negative elements.

This then allows this positive energy to be used to arrest any medical issues and also to create the possible helpful elements to combat any further problems. Sometimes ignoring or failing to take a particular ailment seriously can contribute to the possibility of that particular condition evolving into an even bigger problem.

Besides this, the financial cost involved may escalate due to the fact the condition was not addressed when first detected. When these costs escalate, there are other consequences that become apparent like the

stress levels of the individual become elevated. This stressful mental condition may in turn cause other medical problems, and everything just continues to “snowball” out of control. So what started out as a small medical problem has not evolved into a really serious condition that requires much more attention and concern.

Wrapping Up

Spirituality may be seen as being distinct from religion. Assorted world religions have proposed assorted philosophies and belief systems about the nature of a God and humanity’s kinship with it.

Spirituality, on the other hand, refers to the basic experience behind these assorted viewpoints.

It’s an experience involving an awareness of and relationship with something that exceeds your personal self as well as the mortal order of things. This "something" has been given assorted names and

delineated in ways that are too many to count. You are able to decide what that means for yourself in whatsoever way feels most suited.

Your own sense of a God may be as abstract as "cosmic consciousness" or as earthy as the beauty of the ocean or mountains. Even if you regard yourself an agnostic or atheist, you might get a sense of inspiration from taking a walk in the forest or studying a beautiful sunset. Or a small youngster’s smile may give you a special sense of delight. Whatever the case embark on spiritual healing journey.



Amber Guha

I'm not New Here, Reborn Creation💫 Come and Find me, Sendin' Location ☄️